Hi! I’m Maurice – also known as Mo.
My working life started with an engineering apprenticeship with Marconi Avionics in Rochester, Kent. Subsequently I graduated in Electronics and Physics and then gained a masters in digital systems analysis. I taught electronics for many years and more recently have been testing software for a living.
I’ve designed, built and repaired all sorts of stuff throughout my life. Fitting out a 36ft yacht was my biggest design and build project, with children’s toys and furniture at the other end of the scale.
This site is a portfolio of a few of the things I’ve made, mended or repurposed over recent years.
I live in Ōhope in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. Working from my home workshop I’m always looking for new projects. I make personalised items from earrings to trophies, prototypes, signs and furniture, mainly in wood and composite materials. I’m also experienced with repairing and renovating many sorts of machinery and objects, small or large, so if you have something you treasure that needs repairing, refurbishing or repurposing, I may be able to help.
If my portfolio sparks an idea for something you want making or mending, please contact me for a chat.