CLC Skerry

The Skerry was designed by John Harris of Chesapeake Light Craft. You can read the background story here on the CLC Skerry web page

The Skerry is a 4.6m (15ft) rowing and sailing boat built using marine plywood, epoxy and woven glass fibre cloth. Designed for use in sheltered waters with a maximum payload of 200kg (450lbs). She has a reputation as being both good to row and sail, and at around 45kg (95lbs).  

I chose to alter the internal layout of the Skerry after reading comments about her fore and aft balance. We shall see if those changes work for the way I expect to use her or not. After the alterations, additions (inwales etc), painting and varnishing, Luna’s hull weighs 55kg and I’m happy with that. 

I have no doubt that many will say that I’ve spoilt the simple internal layout and they have a point… time will tell. To see more details take a look at my CLC Skerry build page.

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